Studying Teacher Education

In accordance with the German school system, at the University of Education Karlsruhe, you can study Teacher Education for Primary Schools (forms 1 to 4) and Secondary Level I (forms 5 to 10).

As a matter of principle, (at least) three subjects are studied.

Special feature
Bilingual Course (BLL/CLIL)

At our university, you can choose to study the degree programs in Teacher Education for Primary Schools and for Secondary Level I with the optional "Bilingual Course (BLL/CLIL)" profile. The Bilingual Course (BLL/CLIL) is studied  at the Department of Bilingual Teaching and Learning (CLIL). Specific courses and a mandatory semester abroad qualify students to teach a subject in English or French and to work in language- and culture-sensitive contexts. The Bilingual Course (BLL/CLIL) has been recognized as one of ten selected  "examples of best practice" in the field of internationalisation in Germany.

The bachelor's programmes in Teacher Education for Primary Schools and in Teacher Education for Secondary Level I each last 6 semesters and comprise 180 CP each.

The corresponding master's programmes last 4 semesters and comprise 120 CP each.  Each master's programme  consists of two phases: the first part of the programme (60 CP) is completed at the university  and the second part (60 CP) is completed during the practical training phase. In total, the practical training phase  lasts 18 months.

Worth knowing: In order to work as a teacher in Germany, you need to complete a practical training phase ("Referendariat") after completing your master's degree.

Background knowledge
What does "CP" stand for?

While pursuing your bachelor's and master's degrees,  you will attend lectures, seminars and exercise courses and receive credit points (CP) for successful participation.  The number of credit points you earn depends on the workload you have to complete for the respective course. In accordance with section 5 of the standardised examination regulations at the University of Education Karlsruhe, 1 CP corresponds to 30 hours of work.

Subjects in Teacher Education from A to Z

What subjects would you like to teach in the future? At our university, you can choose from a wide range of subjects, including the possibility of studying an extension subject.

Extension subjects

Students who wish to study an extension subject during their Teacher Education programme have a variety of options. In order to obtain the teaching qualification for an additional subject, students of the programme in Teacher Education Secondary Level I can take the corresponding master's programme in the extension subject. Masterstudiengang Lehramt Sekundarstufe I, Erweiterungsfach There is no such a master's programme serving as an additional qualification for the programmes in Teacher Education for Primary Schools.

Some subjects open their courses to students of other subjects and allow them to acquire a subject-specific certificate. A subject-specific certificate is a programme of study on a smaller scale (21 to 36 CP) and constitutes an additional qualification, which is not, however, linked to a teaching qualification.

Last updated: 17.01.2024
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