Studying with a Disability or Chronic Illness
Pursuing a degree with a disability or chronic illness presents a special challenge. At the Karslruhe University of Education, we strive to ensure accessibility for all students and to establish it where there is still scope for improvement.
To this end, our university has appointed a representative for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses who acts as a contact person for any questions arising in connection with their specific disability or condition during the entire course of studies. They provide information, and support, in particular with regard to disadvantage compensation.
Prospective students with a disability or chronic illness, in particular, can contact the representative with any questions they may have in connection with the degree programme they wish to pursue and their specific disability or condition.
Do not hesitate to contact him at an early stage so that he can work with you to find solutions to help you study without any problems.

Institut für Bewegungserziehung und Sport
Room 3.220
In der Vorlesungszeit mittwochs von 15:00-16:00 Uhr (Anmeldung über Stud.IP).
In der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nach Vereinbarung (per Mail).
- Impaired physical mobility;
- Vision impairment;
- Hearing impairment;
- Speech impediment;
- Mental health issues (e.g.,eating disorders, depression);
- Chronic illnesses (e.g., rheumatism, Crohn's disease, diabetes);
- Dyslexia and other developmental disorders of scholastic skills;
- Autism, ADD and ADHD.
Disadvantage compensation
Academic accommodations for students with disabilities play an important role in ensuring equal opportunity for participation during their studies and thus in preventing discrimination. According to section 209 of the German Social Security Code IX (Sozialgesetzbuch, SGB IX) disadvantage compensation comprises assistance for people with disabilities to compensate for disadvantages or additional expenses resulting from their specific disability („Hilfen für behinderte Menschen zum Ausgleich behinderungsbedingter Nachteile oder Mehraufwendungen“).
Academic accommodations for students may include:
- Exemption from compulsory attendance in class, consideration of physical impairments during room scheduling (e.g., relocation of courses to easily accessible rooms);
- extended deadlines for submitting term papers and similar assignments as well as extra time for written exams or coursework;
- approval of technical aids and assistive technology such as writing exams on the computer;
- taking written exams in a private room under supervision;
- performance assessment using a different type of assessment, for example, a written exam can be taken instead of an oral one, or vice versa;
- adjusted regulations on deadlines, such as the standard period of study, and
- individual degree planning.