Accessibility Statement

The University of Education Karlsruhe makes every effort to ensure that its website complies with the guidelines of the federal ordinance on accessible information technology (Barrierefreie-Informationstechnik-Verordnung - BITV 2.0) as well as with section 10 para. 1 of the act on equal opportunities for disabled persons of the state of Baden-Württemberg (Landes-Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz, L-BGG) . If you notice any accessibility compliance deficiencies, please send your feedback, citing the specific web page and barrier, to  


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University of Education Karlsruhe
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Bismarckstraße 10
76133 Karlsruhe

If the University of Education Karlsruhe does not respond to your inquiry within the period stipulated in section 8 sentence 1 of the regulations on implementing the act on equal opportunities for disabled persons of the state of Baden-Württemberg (Verordnung zur Durchführung des Landes-Behindertengleichstellungsgesetzes, L-BGG-DVO, you can contact the representative of the state government for the interests of people with disabilities of Baden-Württemberg or the municipal representative for the interests of people with disabilities within the framework of the ombudsman function described in section 14 para. 2 sentence 2 L-BGG and section 15 para. 3 sentence 2 L-BGG. Reference is made to the right of collective legal action taken by an association (group action) pursuant to section 12 para. 1 sentence 1 number 4 L-BGG.

At present, our website does not provide  explanations in German Sign Language and Easy Language (Leichte Sprache).

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Last updated: 11.10.2022
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