Mission Statement

With the involvement of all institutions at the university, we defined our mission statement in 2016. It describes the values that distinguish our university and sets the strategic direction for its future development.

Assuming responsibility

The Karlsruhe University of Education believes it has a responsibility to critically reflect on political and social conditions and developments with regard to their impact on education and learning processes and to develop pioneering perspectives.

Researching within and across disciplines

Perspectives from educational science, teaching methodology, and subject-specific research are brought together at our university to promote knowledge and exchange. This research culture is based on methodological diversity and reflection on the theory of science.

Reconciling theory and practice in a reflective way

The systematic combination of research, teaching, and hands-on experience enables our students not only to continuously increase their subject-specific knowledge, expertise in teaching methodology, and pedagogical competencies, but also to acquire practical know-how and reflective faculty. At the same time, the practice-based approach is a valuable resource for innovative research and theory-building.

Shaping an individual teaching and learning culture

Studying at our university is based on the concept of an active teaching and learning culture. Students have scope to define their individual focus and profile. Innovative teaching and learning formats offer self-learning architectures and allow for project work and research-based learning. Our graduates stand out in their work at school or in other fields of activity due to their sound competence in designing practice.

Ensuring cosmopolitanism and a focus on the future

The close cooperation with a large number of European and non-European partner universities ensures an international approach to studying and research. Social diversity is actively practised and promoted at the university. Projects carried out in cooperation with local and international partners explore the opportunities and risks of digitalisation and other challenges of modern society and design concepts and visions for future teaching and learning.

Maximising quality and transparency

All members of the university work actively and in a team-oriented manner on the continuous development and improvement of transparent processes and decision-making paths. Collaboration between teachers, researchers, students and administrative staff members is characterised by mutual respect for each other's roles and responsibilities.

Responding to individual needs and circumstances

The university designs its degree and continuing education programmes as well as its employment relationships in such a way as to meet the requirements arising from different living situations. The university believes that it has a duty to continuously develop services to facilitate the reconciliation of studies/work and personal and/or family responsibilities.

Last updated: 16.01.2024
Content responsibility: webredaktion@ph-karlsruhe.de